Clearance // H2C Mixtage

It's hard to call most of this video leftovers since 90% of these clips were never actually considered for a minitage/highlights/full montage, but i had a lot of fun making this. I enjoy the little things on halo 2, so i had just a lot of "solid plays" cut, not necessarily "clips". The best section of the video i had to take out because of blocked audio (In Flames) and it kind of threw the whole video off imo. I just wanted to get these clips off my desktop and put into something so they weren't just sitting on my HDD for forever.  Music might not be your taste, I just used what i liked. Hopefully, this is the last 2015 footage i'll be releasing other than some better footage I still have leftover.

Good shit man, your solid plays are still great clips in all honestly. Enjoyed the betray spree that was humorous and brought me great joy.
very much enjoyed this one. reminded me of one of blazin's old videos that I used to watch a lot

How do you quadshot with no secondary?

I liked the sequence towards the end where it was just button combo after button combo. Hopefully you've freed some space up for 2016.

Steve this was awesome. So many nice plays. I really loved the feel of the video though and always have enjoyed these types of videos. I liked everything about it.
You can't quadshot without a secondary. I'm not sure which part of the video to refer to but he probably either just 3 shot the dude or had an auto reload from a bxr.

You can't quadshot without a secondary. I'm not sure which part of the video to refer to but he probably either just 3 shot the dude or had an auto reload from a bxr.


I really think this is an interesting concept for a montage.

I don't know if its been done before or not, but I would definitely like it to be done in a more dedicated montage.

All of these leftovers were solid clips

This montage was like pizza. Even if it was leftovers it was god damn good. Well done.
That first clip was a great way to start out the video.  That Killtac on Car 3 was really strong as well.  Love the little betrayal minitage.  The music was alright.  Good vid bruh.

dude that was fucking terrible you should make more



dude that was fucking terrible you should make more



what is what


so much confuse.

why dont you just bae