
THF MCC Gamertag List

Please post in this format:

Forum Name - Gamertag (Games you play)

For easy copy pasting.


General List:

Forum Name - Gamertag

.Ryan - ryanleininger
-sassy-  - SassyNinja36422 (Mostly Halo 4 & Reach)
.HeLiX. - vhelix
|| TM22 || - TeeEmTwentyTwo
3sk - subeone
7oriiReid - ​FSD 7oriiiiReid
Admiral Twitchy - Admiral Twitchy
AlcoholicSn1per - AlcoholicSn1per
Alen - H2 Alen​
AndrewJhnsn - Dr Peepook (Mainly H3 / H3 customs)
B - B SiK
Ben - ben adsf
big HoSS - big HoSS SaucE
Biggie EH - Biggie EH
Bitt - Grime Fox
Bjorn248 - Bjorn248
bk70 - xFlagship
Blackwolffm- BlackWolffmx
Blame - THF Blame
brothers345 - brothers345
Brothers345 - Brothers345
Buxn -Buxn
BxSouljah - BxSouIjah
Call Me Fitzy - Call Me Fitzy (H2, H2A, H3)
Caratti - Mnky D Caratti
cCaveIVIan - CaveIVIan (two i's) down for anything h2 classic 
Chao  - Chhao
Chubbymax - inxy
cloakster - cloakster
colonelsmiles - Colonel Smiles (H2C)
CrosS_ aka dephex - sheets901
Crudam - Crudam
CrushTheTitan - CrushTheTitan
CrushTheTitan - CrushTheTitan
cT Virus - Mr McClutchin (H2C)
CursedLemon - CursedLemon
Daaza - Daaza
DanteThePyro - DanteThePyro
Deject - Desponded  (h3, h2c - just tell me you're from thf : )
Don Miguel - Don Miiguel
Don Revo - zTx Don Revo
Doodlepop - Stoodlepop
doomgaze - i doomgaze i (H2C, H1, H2A)
DoorMan - DoorMan​
Doveth - Dove is Above
Dr Rocko - Dr Rocko
DustinWS6 - DustinWS6 ( H1, H2A, H2C)
Dutchy - Infinity Dutchy  - I'm up for everything (Both MP/Campaign) except H2A and H4 MP. 
DzPoseidon - I am trogd0r.
Eamonn - snizzbone
EdDo - MF EdDo
elconnero - elconnero
Eli_X - Eli X
ElliSioN - Eiiision
Erick26S - Simple iErick
exidrion - exidrion
exReVuLsioN - exReVuLsioN
Fable - SB Fable
Faint15 - Faint15
FlavoRRR - iPhlayvouR
FoRsAkEn - FoRsAkEn LLX
freak - freak for ex
FrothySoma - FrothySoma
Gage - XiL Destruction
galvin - galvin23
Gaming Royalty -  iTz OnEsHoT [MCC (Let me know what you wanna play, mostly into Lockout FFA)]
Ghoster - Go Stir
Giambro - Giambro Baggins (H2, H2A)
Gilmore - Gilmore
Ging - I MrSureShot L (h1-h2-h3)
gotzeus - SL GoTZeuS
Grogan777 - Grogan777
hailtoredskins - hailtoredskins
Halo2Lives4Ever - Halo2Lives4Ever
HD Simplicityy - HD Simplicityy (Halo MCC, Halo Reach, 3, 4 on the 360)
HeY iTz eBaY - HeY iTz eBaY (h2 Customs)
Hi iM FuZioN - vetoL HD   (H2C and H2A only)
Honest - xLogan75x  (h3 MLG)
Hot IceCube - Hot IceCube
hUeY - SkeeeeeeetSauce  (H1, H2(classic only), and H3)
I Blitsz I - I Blitsz I
i R BuRnS - I r burns
Ian - L imurph L
iEdiTioN - Vizid
iFluxy - iFluxy
ihatedialup - OhheyitsReaperX
iiTz DiiRTY - iiTz DiiRTY
Im BigTigga H0  - Pvt Tigga. (h2c)
In My Crossfire - xP Crossfire
intactility - intactility (everything, competitive)
Intelligence - Intelligence HD
iOpTiMuS - SperrysAndBlow
iRaVe - Ravivall (H4 for now, XB1 coming soon then H2A)
Its PJ Bia - Its PJ Biaaaaaa
Iv AJay vI - Accusations Fly (MM, Customs)
IVeurosis - IVeurosis
IVI Smite IVI  - H3F Smite
Jeremy II - uhh JeReMy II
JMizy - JayMizy
josh1337 - Drpwn4ge
Kblocker - kblocker
Kieden - OneKieden
Kilamanchurro - Kilamanchurro
Kindue - Kindue
Klima - Hi im Klima
KluTch I Am - dvouRddd  (h2c, h3)
Korrlat - korrlat
krupt - KoRRRuPT. Feel free to add. Maybe have a message attached so i know its from THF.
Kryptyn - Kryptyn
Kurfew - Kurfew (H2, H2A, H3, MM)
Lazy - Lazy Pvvnz
LeGeNdSkiLLs - legendskills
LiL x Hustla- LiL x Hustla
lithium - H2 Lithium
LLAMA  RAAPES - Repindiancreek
Llama - LaC Llama
Lntec (Lowercase L) - H2 Classic, Hardcore, Custom FFA/anything fun. 
lTBl AustiN - Firm Base
M00SEONTHEL00SE - diaper dommy
make a remix - t0mazing
MArk. -  TheArkm or akidnamedmark
Mark. - akidnamedmark
Marksman - Markcman
Marruk - Marruk
Martyg - mrmartyleet
MaStalee - LeeeRob​
Matt TBSA - Matt TBSA (h1, h2c)
Mayhem_AM/zZ PHOBIA zZ  - Wonderlvnd
Mike - H2 Moses
Milk Man - Milk Man X1
Moczy - Moczy​
Morpheus414 - Morpheus414
MR3 - BAKEonator
Muckdog - Muckdog
Muhzzy - Muhzzy
Nasty - Nastadon
Nephrectomy - Nephrectomy
NiCe  - NiCe X I V
NiCe N ToaStyyy - sniffing thongs
Niine Lives - Niine Lives
NiT3ViSioN- Dragonit3vision (h2
NonFrozenCube - NonFrozenCube
Nv1ncible - Nv1ncible
ohem - oh3m
omg blaze - omg blaze
OMG its ShocK  - H2F ShocK (h2, h2a)
OneHandWonder- OneHandWonder
Onlyonehand - Blusterylime208
Ookajiro - Refragtaire (halo 2 3 4 customs)
Osama bin Puffi - DeadAlmighty
Outspread -  Outspread
P For Panic - sm panic (h2c hardcore, h2a)
PackieIX  - PackieIX
Paniik - Oh My PaNiiK
Paradox828 - Dawcks
ParanoiaOMG - Paranoia OMG
Pat - GT: C3Pmac
PerfectProphecy - LF1MGaming
phil - H2F phil
PizzaMuffinTime - PizzaMuffinTime
Platano - DiRtY PLaTaNo (H1 and H2C)
Presbyopia  - Bilgasem
PredatoR - MVC is MVP (Halo 2 Classic Hardcore or Customs)
Proper - SLVN Proper (H2C H2a)
proty - CyP proty
Prowl - i prowl i
PulseR - OG kusH g0d (H1, H2 classic)
qwikstrik3 - qwikstrik3
Renzy - RenzyGNF
Reverb - Reverb FR (H2A)
Rolf - RFLGN (H2A and H3)
RollEmBack- RollEmBack (no h3)
RuNnin- ER RuNnin
Runtxr54  - Next Stepp (All Halos)
Rynshklaid - Rynsh
Sausy - Sausage x J
Scace - Sace is LiT
Scarecrow - Dat Scarecrow G
Se7enUP - ISe7enUPI
Sensei Maverick  - Sensei Maverick (Halo 3)
Servion - iServion
ShadowX  - yourOwn Shadoww
Shif7eh - Shif7eh
Shining - Shining  ( Halo 2 and Halo 3)
Shunt - xShunt
Sir Angus Of Beef - adam adam adam (H1, H2)
Sleepwaves - sleepvvaves ( ANYTHING MCC (mostly, FFAS and 'MLG' customs) add me! :)
Sk0ls - sk0lss
skeRer - le skeRer
SLy theFKN Wolf - SLy theFkn Wolf
Smithers - Smith3rZ
Sozkilla -Sozkilla
spare - FIUENTIY
Spence - Spenzzzz
stalin - StalinH2 (H1 and H2 only)
Stan Lee - Stanley eVo
Stan Lee - Stanley eVo
Starbucks - Ghetto Fobuious
stickyathon - Sticky OWNS  (HCE, H2C, and H2A)
stickyathon - xX St1cKyF1nGaZ
stifler92274 - stifler92274 (halo CE)
​Stop Banning Me - Kzzinn
stormy - Ztormy
StriderDoom - Str1derDoom
stubezl92 -  Stu Bleezy (H2A, H2C, HCE)​
StuckInRegina - StuckInRegina (H2,H3)
Subicon - Subicon
Tanker - Tanker CMXL
terv - ayy terv
the new easy - the new easy
The xcizor = xcizzy
theseattlerain - theseattlerain
​​thomasxp5 - thomasxp5
Tim Rager - Tim Rager  (h2 h3)
Titanium - TooMuchTitanium (h1, h2)
Tocnik - Tocnik (no h4)
Token - Probably Token
Tommy Kost - Tommy Kost
Tonafide - Tonafide
Trevx64 - Trevx64
two-one - C88 Two One (Add for H1 & H2 Customs)
TwoElitesOneCup - PRIMETLM3
Typhoon_v1 - Typhoon_v1  (H2, H2A and H3.)
UnFaZZeD - E Scrillz
V3n0m15 - V3n0m15
VA Blackhawk - VA Blackhawk
VeNoMz - Unlucky VeNoMz, tH VeNoMz, Halo 5 Montager
virus is bad - hi im tooltip (h2 h2a)
VJ2 - J2 The Creator
Vypurrr - Vypurrr (h2c, h2a, h3)
Wanny - Wawa Wannay
Wes - yarmesch
wixehn - Lucent White
x Derek - x Derek (h1, h2)
xAuBuRn - Knivessplash
xFloaTe® - TRAPKi  (h2c)
xLight - Light Returns (H2A/H4/SWAT)
xPhobiK - xPhobiK
xViscosity - VLSCO
xxDevildawg - Clawstradamus
YBLOC - ybl0c (H2, H3)
Yumbles18 - RenownedGrain38
ZC Domes - ZC Domes
Zeus Is Godly -  Zeus The Dino (all)
Ztuu - Ztuu
dudeman27 = dudeman27
TM22 - TeeEmTwentyTwo
Wugums - Spirit Mode (H2, maybe H3)
Slopia - Slopia (H2 and H3)
Zethic Live - Zethic Live
unheeding - unheeding (H1, H2C, H3)



​H2 FFA List

Forum Username - Xbox Live Gamertag

Alen - H2 Alen
Archonize - Archonize
Doodlepop - Stoodlepop
Doomgaze - i doomgaze i
dvouRddd - dvouRddd
Eddo - MF EdDo
H2F ShocK - H2F ShocK
Heister - Heister
Hurricane LOL - hi Hurricane
Ian - L imurph L
iiTz DiiRTY - iiTz DiiRTY
Intelligence - Intelligence HD
iObelisk - stephan000
kayemx - Kayemx
killingyou69 - raid3rkiller
Knifoon - knifoon
Kyle - vKyIe
LiL x Hustla - LiL x Hustla
Llama - LaC Llama
Mike - H2 Moses
Milk Man - Milk Man X1
Niine Lives - Niine Lives
P for Panic - SM Panic
Paniik - Oh My PaNiiK
Papa - FKIV
Paranoia OMG - Paranoia OMG
ParFreY - ParFreY
Pat - C3Pmac
PoPoLeCrois - PoPoLeCrois
proty - CyP proty
Prowl - i prowl i
Renzy - RenzyGNF
Scarecrow - Dat Scarecrow G
Se7enUP - ISe7enUPI
​SeaVomit - SeaVomit
Shif7eh - Shif7eh
sk0ls - sk0ls is LIT
SophaKingQuick- SophaKingQuick
Sosd1 - ACL Sosd
​thomasxp5 - thomasxp5
TIFELIFE - zeague
Titanium - TooMuchTitanium
Tommy Kost - Tommy Kost
TwoElitesOneCup - PRIMETLM3
Twoson - TW0S0N < Zeros, not O's
vetoL - vetoL HD
Vypurrr - Vypurrr
xPhobiK - xPhobiK
xXBlazin187Xx - BlaziNHatesNubZ
unheeding - unheeding 


^Username gets me every time.

add to both lists

GT: LiL x Hustla

Pls add me to H2 FFA! Thank youu
GT: DoorMan
GT: PizzaMuffinTime

GT: SassyNinja36422 

(Mostly Halo 4 & Reach) 

DiRtY PLaTaNo.

H1 and H2C.

Apparently im not up there. PackieIX Also, shouldnt it be in alphabetical order?
iRaVe - Ravivall (H4 for now, XB1 coming soon then H2A)

Apparently im not up there. PackieIX Also, shouldnt it be in alphabetical order?

Don't think alphabetical order has ever been discussed. I could easily alphabetize the list by Member name, it's just that when we mods go to enter a new GT to the OP, it's most convenient to simply add it onto the end of the list. 


mostly Halo 3 and H2A

GT Colonel Smiles


YBLOC - ybl0c (Halo 3, Halo 2)

iiTz DiiRTY - iiTz DiiRTY H2 FFA 

​SLy theFKN Wolf - SLy theFkn Wolf


Matt TBSA- Matt TBSA 

H1 and H2c

sm panic h2 team hardcore/classic with a bith of anniversary
HD Simplicityy-same GT as username (Halo MCC, Halo Reach, 3, 4 on the 360)

You can add me to the general list also

GT: iiTz DiiRTY 

Please add me to both lists
Niine Lives - Niine Lives
My tag is "Scace is LiT" now

StuckInRegina - StuckInRegina (H2,H3)


Unlucky VeNoMz, tH VeNoMz, Halo 5 Montager, and another 1 million 1 months :)

updated and alphabetized
GT: dudeman27
GT: TeeEmTwentyTwo