
General Work in Progress Chat

Official Work in Progress Thread

Post stuff you're working on, whether it be a montage, some graphic design, or anything else digital media related!
Productive criticism is also welcome!

Can someone check if Fragtality's HD Quality Tutorial 2.0 is all this relevant? (its on the old forums stickied in Creators Platform). If someone would make an article and thread for it and expand on it a bit that'd be sweet.



Crest on using AE and Premiere Pro together:


 You run both at the same time typically. AE's "server" effectively runs as a service along side Premiere Pro. You can import AE project compositions and treat them as video. They behave in real time on your timeline.

A regular workflow would you edit your video to roughly how you want. Rough cut.

Then you could go in and replace certain sets of clips with compositions. Right click>replace with composition. There are other ways of doing this, you could start in after effects and just bring it back in to premiere if you wished.. But this is an easy way to get started. You can then consolidate separate projects into a single AE project and have it refer back. It's hard to explain simply, but it's much easier than you think. 

Since AE runs anyways in the background, you can open after effects and edit the file in real time and it updates in premiere pro. No need to even save the file, just minimize AE and premiere pro recognizes the change. It's very nice. When I was editing a film earlier in the fall, doing lens dirt removal and removing logos was nice since I could watch the change just by switching back to premiere pro on another monitor.

Nothing even has to be rendered.

Edit: Also most people don't know that vegas does precomping. it's very nice for segmented projects. I do it for some of my very long reviews. I will edit a chapter of the review, consider it finished, save that. Then drag the .veg into a new project. This way I can't screw up other parts of my long 25-50minute project.

This post is going to be forever engrained in this thread. Well then. I have nothing to show.

I am working on some things. They are in progress.


Am I doing this right?

You fools are doing it wrong.

Things are in progress.

the new forum is cool too. thanks to you guys who put in lots of work!





video i've been working on


Cool to see some balls to the walls looking stuff man, excited.

You have to close the spoiler box in the post, then save it, to have it show up closed.

movie comp voting is up

I just found this looking through my old vids, I made this drunk for muRda's project of making a power hour montage.

cracks me up, there's some brutally bad editing in there lol, but it actually has decent flow in some parts/the first clip

Edit: I have no fucking clue how to link images on this new forum.

its the icon of mountains with a sun, to the left of the youtube icon. just enter the URL


Couple of screens from an intro that someone awesome made for a video I'm doing the body of. Should be out a in a month of two.

Come on ya'll let's get it rolling. 

Apologies for the poor quality on the last one. 

Check out my new website/reel

This shit will be out on 2/16

looks good guys



Couple of screens from an intro that someone awesome made for a video I'm doing the body of. Should be out a in a month of two.

This shit will be out on 2/16

I shit you fucking not man I was just watching your halo 2 montage and I came into this thread pondering to myself  '' I hope he makes another H2 vid, fk this montage is still my #1 fav to date but I doubt this kid even plays anymore. ''

And here you are posting screenshots for a video that will be released on the 16th.


This shit will be out on 2/16

I shit you fucking not man I was just watching your halo 2 montage and I came into this thread pondering to myself  '' I hope he makes another H2 vid, fk this montage is still my #1 fav to date but I doubt this kid even plays anymore. ''

And here you are posting screenshots for a video that will be released on the 16th.



Haha, well appreciated man. Believe me, I didn't ever think this would happen again either. Still seems super weird.


Couple of screens from an intro that someone awesome made for a video I'm doing the body of. Should be out a in a month of two.



remember our discussion about programs few weeks ago?

Im a vegas guy


How can someone possibly pass up Premiere/After Effects integration for editing montages....yall are crazy
I only use AE when I have to

lol you gotta get one of these, Slater :D

Personally I stay with just AE because I'm used to it and my stuff is so effect heavy that I'd be holding myself back if I did any integration between video editing programs and AE. For most people though, premiere/AE workflow is god tier.

How can someone possibly pass up Premiere/After Effects integration for editing montages....yall are crazy

How is premiere compared to vegas? Might try it out tbh

i have no idea wat im doing

How can someone possibly pass up Premiere/After Effects integration for editing montages....yall are crazy

i think it's time to finally try this.. wish me luck

How can someone possibly pass up Premiere/After Effects integration for editing montages....yall are crazy

i think it's time to finally try this.. wish me luck

Wasn't aware of this, I'll be trying this as well thx.

An Intro I was working on today bored... ended up scarp'n it.

I have over 100 clips.  Who wants to weave through some and edit me a montage? Will pay $50 worth of MS points.

looking for editor for their esports org's montage