Halo Tricking Discussion

This is a place where users can talk about all things Tricking related. Examples: Trickjumping, Trickshotting, Bouncing, Launching, and Speedrunning (I may create a separate thread for speedrunning) 


P.S. Harc likes pink l33ts.

I had a thread on the old forum for speedrunning, it wasn't too active, but feel free to make one if you want. 

Did i hear trickshots???



All setup ofcourse.

Anyone down to jump/general tricking add me and let me know; iTz OnEsHoT
I will in MM with you, trying to get more cool clips for a montage, like getting to cool HLG spots and sticking people and things similar, just screwing around in general haha
The 1 good thing i like about h3 v1 maps is that hiding spots and stuff aren't patched, i love fucking with people from normally out of reach spots
You want to play? I added you, my gt is Trevx64, looking for a partner for a few clips
Add me on yumbles18, i'll add you when i next get on :)
I added you, I look forward to it! I always go for unique clips and never play seriously just a heads up haha
Might be able to play with you this week trev, my basement got water damage so there's like 8 giant fans that have been running for 3 days and it's deafening haha. I actually played some though and got a few clips.
My GT is Harc The Shark.

sick ghost jump on high ground! 
