The Recap - Week 1 - Montages, H2A 2v2 Tournament and more!

Sorry for no annotations youtube wouldn't let me :(
But all the clips I discuss are in the description!

Nice.  Pretty cool that you give shout outs and a little insight on montage that come out during that week. Theres also an Iron Gaming H3 4v4 tournament that you forgot to mention. You should mention the results in your next week video. 

Nice.  Pretty cool that you give shout outs and a little insight on montage that come out during that week. Theres also an Iron Gaming H3 4v4 tournament that you forgot to mention. You should mention the results in your next week video. 

Link me!

Thanks for the shout out.

annotations still not working?

Tournament hasn't happened its actually thursday. but heres the link

Cool thanks.  Does PGL do cash tournaments anymore?  

No. the last cash tournament was the 4s tournament last season. 

Thanks for the shout out.

annotations still not working?

They are now but not for that video :/ frustrating as