Aye guys it's been 10 years

Sorry I haven't posted here in awhile. I feel bad considering H3F has been mah home on the interwebz for 10 years now (Sept of 2005). I registered for H2F on the morning of picture day and I remember it exactly. THIS is what I looked like on the day I registered here:

I just wanted to say it's been a great adventure with all the guys that still remember me from the old days n shit.

I've been busy as hell with my new film that I've made. It's been selected for 6+ film festivals so far with companies already messaging me to buy the rights to it (lol, wtf). By teh way if you guys are located in the Toronto, Tacoma, Vancouver area you should give me a shout on twitter @trevormack22 and I can grab you a couple of free tickets to the festivals. I'm meeting with several producers who've got an in with Warner Bros and other studios for feature film ideas so hopefully that leads to something.

Here's the poster:


Interview we had at the Toronto International Film Festival press conference (we both pretty drunk):


With Halo 5 releasing I want to get back into the Halo groove. I still have to finish up an intro for the site that a few people wanted me to do so I'll be getting to that as well. Anyways, hope everything is doing fine here and I hope with the release of H5 things can get going again on the site WOO


I was literally watching calmamity 2 right before reading this haha

imo one of the most unique intros and also one of my favorite lupe songs

Thanks dude, that was one of the first instances where I had to tell somebody else what I was seeing in my head. Could say that was my first time actually directing, haha. I really appreciate it though, its cool that people are watching my stuff 7ish years after I made it

I was literally watching calmamity 2 right before reading this haha

imo one of the most unique intros and also one of my favorite lupe songs

The first montage I ever edited was to that song. Shit was molded potato quality.

hey man, love hearing this

get the film shown in montreal ya pls

God damn man, congrats :) Great to hear you're doing well in film haha. I'm in Toronto so I might take you up on that offer :P

6 posts into this thread and no one said bragging?

just jokin, trev.  congrats on your successes! halo 2 tribute tage is still god tier

Congratulations mate
if you ever need a guitarist for your movies hit me on the hip (that was a pager joke did you get?? hahahah)

6 posts into this thread and no one said bragging?

we done fell off been a while

Wow you aged well, such chiseled facial features.